10-19 NOV 2023
15-28 JAN 2024

Non te vexo



Memory, the struggle against forgetting and the search for identity: Non te vexo pokes through the past with the help of archive images crisscrossed by various voices. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi . . .

Biography and Films

Xacio Baño (Lugo, 1983) studied film at the Universidad de León. A number of his films have been screened at previous editions of l’Alternativa, including his shorts Ser e voltar (2014), which won a Special Mention, and Eco (2015), and his debut feature, Trote (2018), which premiered at the Locarno Film Festival. He currently creates and develops film, theatre and hybrid projects at the cultural production company Rebordelos, inclduing his next feature, Después de las ciudades.