10-19 NOV 2023
15-28 JAN 2024

Mother Earth's Inner Organs



This film is a journey from Amsterdam to Wayú territory in the North of Colombia following the smoke and rotten smell of burning Mma (Mother Earth in Wayuunaiki). Ana Bravo-Pérez weaves a narrative from Mma’s surface to her depths, from the Wayú people’s experience and the filmmaker’s reflection on extractivist practices to plastic experimentations that create a lucid dream. An eye opener on how extracting coal affects life.

Biography and Films

Ana Bravo-Pérez’s work draws on migration, memory and violence. She often uses her own migratory and diasporic experiences as a starting point for her artistic projects investigating suppressed narratives and collective memories. Her work has been shown at the Cinemateca de Bogotá, EYE Filmmuseum and International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Hot Docs Canadian International Film Festival and Ji.hlava International Film Festival, among others.