10-19 NOV 2023
15-28 JAN 2024

Nuestra piel levantada [provisional]

Cinema Pendent Projects


Paolo doesn’t know his father very well. He knows his name is Fabrizio and that he is an Italian trucker who transports hides and meat from somewhere in Murcia to somewhere else in Italy, but everything else about his life is a mystery from the moment he leaves home every week. Paolo uses this film to discover what kind of a person his father is and also to realise how much of his father he has inherited himself. To do so, he turns to his father’s own father, Antonio, someone Fabrizio can’t stand but with whom he shares a lot of family traits. In fact, the three of them all suffer from the same eating disorder, but Fabrizio and Antonio aren’t yet aware of it.

Biography and Films

Paolo Natale García (Lorca, 1997) graduated in audiovisual communication from the University of Murcia, then specialised in documentary filmmaking at ECAM and trained as a script supervisor. His work focuses on autofiction, exploring the everyday and issues of masculinity. His work has been showcased at festivals such as Curtocircuíto, Márgenes, Alcances, IBAFF, FICC and, forthcoming, at FID Campus.