10-19 NOV 2023
15-28 JAN 2024

Casa feta de boira

Cinema Pendent Projects


Alberto writes a letter to his grandmother Marta, who died in 2021, in which he comes out to her and asks her questions  about the death of her sister, Maria Rosa, in the fascist bombing that destroyed the Liceu Escolar in Lleida in 1937. Casa feta de boira explores how to create memory when there is no-one with firsthand experience left alive and how to film mist when there is none.

Biography and Films

Alberto Dexeus cowrote and codirected Les Perseides (2019), which premiered at BAFICI and FICXixón and won Best Film at the León Film and TV Festival. His short film Todos los días domingos (2021) premiered simultaneously at DOK Leipzig and Ji.hlava and won the Silver Biznaga Audience Award at the Málaga Festival in 2022. Casa feta de boira is his solo feature debut.