Forging Ties with Young People
For a number of years, l’Alternativa, Cinema en curs and Moving Cinema have been working in tandem to forge closer ties between the festival and young people. Thanks to Cinema en curs and Moving Cinema—and hours of hard work by dedicated teaching staff—we have been able to set up projects to encourage young people to discover and analyse a range of different styles of filmmaking and then write texts and give public presentations about the films they have watched.
Young Programmers
The group of Joves Programadors Moving Cinema at l’Alternativa 2023 are nineteen 1st-year sixth-formers at the Institut ITAEB. After watching a selection of films, they have picked Il pleut dans la maison, which they will present together with the film’s director, Paloma Sermon-Daï.
The group is made up of Pablo Ávila, Tilo Bax, Alejandra Briceño, Lluna Cava, Jule De Diego, Juanita Díaz, Lucía Gallego, Gal·la Garcia i Vidal, Giorgia Heredia, Eva López Giménez, Willis Mooh, Blai Puertas, Angelica Rojas, Tiziana Ros, Marina Salcedo, Ruth Tostado, Gabriel Vidal, Virgina Villa and Maite Zabaleta.
This initiative forms part of the Europe-wide Moving Cinema project, led by A Bao A Qu.
Young Spectators
In partnership with A Bao A Qu, within the framework of the Moving Cinema initiative, we shall be coaxing and cajoling secondary students and sixth-formers into attending some of the onsite screenings at this year's festival.