Having a face online
Following in same rich vein of thought-provoking debate on burning issues that l’Alternativa has been mining for the last thirty years, we have invited acclaimed and beloved philosopher, writer and cultural journalist Eudald Espluga to give a very special presentation of the film El rostro de la medusa, by Melisa Liebenthal.
In the Instagram age, with our faces all over the internet—billions of pictures of ourselves and others online in a very similar style (filtres, camera angles and facial surgery)— filmmaker Melisa Liebenthal tells a Kafkian tale: What if one day we woke up and found our face had changed beyond recognition? Who am I if I no longer look like my LinkedIn profile? Facing up to this idea of ceasing to be oneself, and rejecting the identifying capitalist logic driving platforms and face-recongition technology in the hands of states and the police, El rostro de la medusa takes an almost post-human journey into how identity is formed in the modern world.

Eudald Espluga
Eudald Espluga i Casademont (Girona, 1990) graduated in philosophy and did a master’s degree in cultural communication at the Universitat de Girona. His publications include Las pasiones ponderadas (Capitán Swing, 2015), Rebeldes (Lumen, 2021) and No seas tú mismo (Paidós, 2021) / No siguis tu mateix (Destino, 2022). He is a regular contributor to El Salto, El País and RAC1.