El nostre barri (Our Neighbourhood) is a video portrait of the Torre-romeu and Can Roqueta neighbourhoods in Sabadell seen through the eyes of young people who live there. A pigeon-loving gypsy, an 83-year-old woman who emigrated to Sabadell from Andalusia, one of the first Moroccan families to move here 26 years ago and two women migrants. We soon discover that these two neighbourhoods are rich in culture, bonds, life experiences, dialogue and solidarity.
This group film was made by a group of second- and third-year secondary students at Institut La Serra in Sabadell—Anastasia Cojocaru, Alex Corbalan, Samuel Dornelas, Moussa Dukuray, Zineb El Kadi, Mohamed El Youssfy, Kévin Gallardo, Maria Jiménez, Mamasa Kebbeh, Saran Konate, Íker Moreno, Ferdaous Ouyidir, Anghelina Pérez, Samantha Robayo Diana Tellez and Joan Manel Yuncevich—with the support of the school staff and filmmakers Pablo García Pérez de Lara and Dani Molina under the auspices of the Cinema en curs and Salto de eje programmes, coordinated by l’Alternativa and in collaboration with Ajuntament de Sabadell.
Salto del eje is an initiative of the the Spanish High Commissioner for Child Poverty, Ministry for Culture and Sport, in collaboration with Federación Pantalla, and is run by Barcelona Provincial Council.
- Saturday 18 November, 5 pm
- Hall CCCB
- Free admission