15 NOV - 5 DEC 2021

Music to Your Ears

12th Symposium


Help, Advice and Resources for Creators

Music is a vital resource for enriching any visual content, an invaluable means for creating an enveloping atmosphere to draw spectators in. However, the use of music raises a series of questions concerning issues we often know little about, such as copyright. And it is not only legal matters that concern us, we also need to be ready to defend and show our basic respect for all creative work. At this event we shall set out some of the key points to bear in mind when it comes to using music in film and explore what music can bring to artistic creations, especially the powerful ties it can forge between them. Finally, we shall give a general overview of the music resources available to creators, including real-life examples from films.

Marta Sancho graduated in the history and science of music and specialised in the music industry and sound studies. As head of the Copyright Department at Music Library &SFX, she monitors the different uses to which music is being put and checks to ensure that everything is above board. She is also subeditor and sole Spain representative for the Audio Network music production catalogue, whose unique business model has revolutionised the way music is now seen in audiovisual work. In order to diversity its activities, Music Library &SFX created the AltMusic label and set up AltContent as its publishing and production division to work as associate editor on a range of audiovisual projects in which Marta also plays a key role, including Acorde, set up in 2017 as Music Library &SFX’s music supervision division.


1. Copyright

  1. What is it?
  2. Moral/economic rights
  3. Connected rights
  4. Publishing/phonographic rights
  5. Licences

2. Synchronising music

  1. The language of music
  2. The relationship between music and image
  3. Synchronising music

3. Music resources

  1. Original composition
  2. Arrangement
  3. Cover
  4. Sound-alike
  5. Commercial music
  6. Library music

4. Q&A on Trini

  1. With Gerard Marginedas, producer at Distinto Films, who will talk about his work on Trini, which won the Music Library &SFX Prize at the 8th Mentoring Projects at l’Alternativa 2020.


Marta Sancho
In collaboration with
SDE Servei de Desenvolupament Professional
Music Library (new)