Mentoring Acció Cinema Pendent

Cinema Pendent

Cinema Pendent 2024

Cinema Pendent General Terms and Conditions

Call for Projects for Mentoring Acció Cinema Pendent

The directors, screenwriters and producers of four short or feature film projects covering social issues and being carried out from within or in partnership with international cooperation organisations will receive advice on institutional collaborations and guidance on how to go about producing these kinds of films.

This Acció Cinema initiative by Catalunya Film Festivals, in collaboration with the Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament and the Departament de Cultura, seeks to promote audiovisual creation as a powerful tool for educating critically minded citizens determined to make the world a better place.

This programme aims to forge ties between filmmakers and development cooperation professionals by offering input and support for their film projects under way.

The Selection Committee may also decide to consider this project for the following Cinema Pendent programmes:

  2. Mentoring Projects
  3. GAC Pitching Forum
  4. Short & Sweet
  5. Development Lab
  6. WIP Screenings

L’Alternativa PRO also offers
  • Personalised Advice Sessions. Participants with shortlisted projects are called to meetings with experts in accordance with their particular needs, as identified by reading through their submitted project or following discussions of requirements. A carefully selected mix of accomplished screenwriters, consultants, producers, distributors, commissioners, editors, sales agents, festival programmers and institutional representatives will be invited as experts to ensure sessions are as productive as possible.
  • Professional Accreditation. Participants with shortlisted projects will be issued with professional accreditation to attend all festival screenings and l’Alternativa PRO activities.
  • Meeting Points. In addition to the specific activities for each project, l’Alternativa PRO also organises a series of lunches, social get-togethers and parties offering participants further opportunities to engage accredited professionals in conversation.
  • Project Follow-Up. Projects will receive ongoing support on social media and newsletters until they finally reach the big screen.
  • On-the-Spot Meetings. We also employ our in-depth knowledge of filmmakers’ careers and expectations to arrange on-the-spot meetings and help forge ties between industry experts and project participants.
Submit your project