As the curators of this meeting space for celebrating moving images, we are pleased to announce the short shorts shortlisted for this edition of l’Alternativa Hall!
Polyphonic landscapes, the musicality of bodies, family sound archives and a stunning range of sounds produced and recorded within a single minute. We thank you all for throwing yourselves into this year’s call for 1-minute shorts with such personal flair.
This year all the shortlisted short shorts are competing in three categories:
- Online vote: one multiticket for l'Alternativa 2024 and an annual subscription to MyAirBridge’s plan Pro
- Audience award: two multitickets for l'Alternativa 2024 and an annual subscription to MyAirBridge’s plan Pro
- L’Alternativa Hall jury prize: two multitickets for l'Alternativa 2024 and an annual subscription to MyAirBridge’s plan Pro
On Monday 13 November we shall open l’Alternativa Hall 2023 with a screening of the shortlisted short shorts on the Hall screen big screen and ask the audience to pick their favourite. Once we have counted the votes, we shall announce the winners in all three categories: online vote, audience award and l’Alternativa Hall jury prize.
These are the 49 short shorts on that made it onto our shortlist
- Planefall (Ron Kenley)
- Dream (Majid Mohammaddoust)
- Hola (Pablo Valera)
- Invocación (Paloma Rodríguez)
- Memoria videosonora de espacios ruinas del casino de la Rabassada (Olafur Antheadey)
- Paisaje natural (Leinad Pájaro de la Hoz)
- Canto fúnebre (Gonzalo Manchón)
- Ensayo (Paloma Rodríguez)
- Para siempre (Matías López)
- Ansco (Ana Martínez)
- Kinoscopio - Lupa Filmocular (Olafur Anthead)
- What Is Cinema (Jill Daniels)
- 99 dies (David Junyent Carrero)
- Flying to Nowhere (Matthew Lancit)
- Discrete Kinesis No. 1 (Eislow Johnson)
- Recuerdo de un latido (Irene Pagès Molina)
- That Which Remains (Ron Kenley)
- Sin tu voz (Marta Sawicka)
- Las grietas de mi casa (Pepa Catalá)
- El so de la mèmoria (Mariona Fontarnau)
- La hermana de Irene Carmona (Nhoa Carmona Aguilar)
- Laguna (Nair Gramajo)
- They Think We Are Ghosts ( Ron Kenley)
- Abyme (Jeanne Lorne)
- Las sirenes de Xipre (Jeanne Lorne)
- It Matters (Sara Bonaventura)
- Fragua (Robert Cortés Uroz)
- Mar, 82 (Clàudia Turró)
- Las comadres de Mazarrón (Nani Miras)
- Untitled Landscape Film (Jonathan Johnson)
- Diario de sueños (Clara Aguilar, Sergio Imaos)
- 7.5 Hz (Daniel Maldonado)
- Polifonía tenística (Damian S.Rodriguez)
- La Casa (María José Merino)
- Currents (Skyland Dallal)
- Desenterrar (Ulysse de Maximy)
- Lucen (Paloma Rodríguez)
- Álbum de foto imaginario. Fiesta en familia (Bella Cintra)
- Le mot couleur (Carlo Galbiati)
- Mi madre se ha ido y yo estoy intentando quedarme (Ana Karina de Fátima Barandiaran)
- Invasion Amazonia en la ciudad condal (Giulia Dávila, Alfredo La Corte, Ànnia Balcells)
- Xipolleig (Clàudia Vives-Fierro Planas)
- Popurrí Aleatorio de Acciones Ruidosas (Oswaldo Cibils)
- Passar a l'eternitat (Nil Vives)
- Anatomia de un robo en 6 pantallas (Alfredo La Corte, Miguel La Corte, Ànnia Balcells)
- Las notas de Juan (Julián Cáneva)
- Una lección fotográfica (Aitana Lopez Rodrigo)
- Pico Limón (David Alesina Puges, Andrea Ballesteros Beato)
- Looking for Key Largo (Miquel Eduard Ortega)
- Until 5 November:
- Enjoy the short shorts and vote for your favourite
- The won with the most votes will be the winner of the online vote
- Friday 15 November, 6.30 pm:
- Screening of the shortlisted short shorts on the Hall screen
- Announcement of prizewinners in all three categories
- Best of luck!