After crossing the fence from Morocco into Melilla, Ihsane is sent to the Divina Infantita reception centre run by nuns for unaccompanied girls, where she meets Asia, Mounia and Nuhaila. Hamza is turning 18 and has to leave La Purísima reception centre for unaccompanied boys. Although they all arrived alone, they have found a new family in the form of the NANA dance company. After months of hard work, they have been chosen to appear on Spain’s Got Talent, a living fantasy that whisks them away from their harsh reality for a few short days but which vanishes in a flash when the spotlights go out.
Biography and Films
Elena Molina is director and screenwriter with a Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She later studied at the Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy, and the la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. She did a Master’s Degree in Film Directing with Frederick Wiseman at ECAM Film School and has attended workshops by Patricio Guzmán, Belkis Bega and Nicolas Philibert.
She has directed the documentary series El robo del códice (2022, TVE), the documentary feature Rêve de Mousse (2018) and the short films Yungay7020 (2021), All I Need Is a Ball (2020), Laatash (2018), Quand j’étais petit (2016) and Le cimetière des marionnettes (2014), all screened to great acclaim at numerous festivals. Her film project El dilema de las anguilas took part in Cinema Pendent 2022. Remember My Name (2023), her second documentary feature, premiered in the official section at the Málaga Film Festival.
- Production Boogaloo Films, Les Films d'Ici, Implicate
- Distribution Boogaloo Films
- Screenplay Elena Molina
- Cinematography Juan Meseguer
- Editing Begoña Ruiz, Elena Molina
- Music Sara Fontán & Edi Pou
- Sound Begoña Ruiz, Elena Molina, Javier Paz
- Premiere Catalan premiere
- Málaga Film Festival 2023 (Silver Biznaga Audience Award)
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