18 NOV - 4 DEC 2022




Attempting a backflip is not safe. You could break your neck, land on your head or land badly on your wrists, none of which is very pleasant. But my avatar has a trick: it practices on a six-core processor with the help of Machine Learning. It might not be the most state-of-the-art processor, but it can still calculate six jumps per iteration. One iteration takes 1 minute, which is 360 jumps an hour and 8,640 jumps a day. Better than I could do!


Nikita Diakur is a Russian-born filmmaker based in Germany. He is best known for his projects Ugly and Fest, which have won critical acclaim at film festivals around the world. His signature style is dynamic computer simulation that embraces spontaneity, randomness and error. His work has been screened several times at l'Alternativa.