15 NOV - 5 DEC 2021

Pepita Pardell frame a frame

Mentoring projects


Pepita Pardell made her debut as an animator in 1945 but was forced out of the industry in the early 1970s by men who resented working under a woman. In 1975 she was persuaded by the director of the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine music video to animate La doncella guerrera, her most personal work. She is now acclaimed as the first woman animation director in Spain.


Maria Pagès (Barcelona, 1977) has a degree in communication from the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona and a PhD in animation. In 2000 she began working on CGI animation at Bren Entertainment (Fílmax), on films such as El Cid or Nocturna. In 2008 her first fiction short won plaudits at Rec Festival. She has worked on documentary films for production companies such as Antaviana Films and Nanouk Films. She produces digital illustrations and regularly publishes work with SdEdicions. She has worked with several film archives doing research on animation and has written articles for magazines in Spain (Con A de animación) and worldwide (Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal). In 2020 she took part in the Mostra de Films de Dones de Barcelona in the Arxipèlag section. She is currently working on an international book on animation to be published by Bloomsbury.