Screening and Q&A
As part of a concerted effort to raise awareness of human rights among the public in general and young people in particular, l’Alternativa has invited Emilio Martí López and the cast of his short documentary Makun (no llores). Dibujos en un C.I.E. to take part in an online Q&A session following a screening of the film.
Makun (no llores) is an animated film based on the thousands of drawings found on the walls of an Immigrant Detention Centre (Centro de Internamiento para Extranjeros, CIE), interwoven with Vivian Ntih, Mor Diagne and Thimbo Samb’s personal stories of their complicated journeys across continents and their subsequent incarceration in a CIE.
Immigrant Detention Centres are Europe’s prisons for people who have entered our rich continent without the “proper” documents. For although migration is a human right, Spain and other countries treat this right as a crime. Makun (no llores) tells the story of dreams of a better life and real-life nightmares, as every year thousands of innocent people are locked up without ever having committed a single crime, filling them with fear and sorrow at the sudden and violent loss of their basic rights.
- Wednesday 25 November,
10 am to noon - Online
- Free of charge
- Places are limited