Professional symposium. From the Cinema to Home: the Internet and Independent Films

It is more and more difficult to find independent films in cinemas and sometimes it is only thanks to festivals like this that films reach the public. At La Fábrica de Cine Alternativo we know that VOD platforms and websites are key catalysts for independent films, above all for filmmakers and producers, who often see their work slip into oblivion because of a lack of distribution.
This year we are bringing together independent film professionals from all areas to offer a symposium to debate and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different distribution and exhibition models, young platforms aimed at making the best independent and experimental films available through VOD, online catalogues and streaming, represented in Spain by Filmin, Hamaca and DailyMotion.
Supported by Servei de Desenvolupament Empresarial (ICIC) and Media Antena Catalunya.
PROGRAMME (10 am to 1 pm)
10.00 am Presentation l'Alternativa.
Presentación: Edgar Garcia - SDE
10.20 am Presentation FILMIN
10.40 am Presentation HAMACA
11.00 am Presentation DAILYMOTION
11.20 am Coffee break
11.50 am Presentation Álex Navarro (Media Antena Catalunya)
12.00 pm Roundtable (The Internet and Independent Films)
Jaume Ripoll
Director of the project FILMIN
Rubén Martínez
Co-director of HAMACA
Ferran Capo
Representative of DAILYMOTION Spain
Álex Navarro
Director of Media Antena Catalunya
Date: Monday 15 November 2010
Time: 10 am to 1 pm
Place: Sala Mirador del CCCB. Montalegre, 5, 08001, Barcelona.
Contact: Patricia Sánchez. Tel.: (+34) 934 815 779
Aimed at industry professionals
Prior registration necessary
Limited places
Languages: Spanish