Film Schools of the World. Screenings

Film Schools
en (terrats) ((Buried) Over the roofs)
Àlex Lora Cercós
Spain, 2009
DVD | 11min. | Colour
Production: Universitat Ramon Llull - Facultat de Comunicació Blanquerna ([email protected])

Screenplay: Àlex Lora
Photography: Víctor Casasola
Editor: Àlex Lora
Music: David Jácome, Dengue Fever, A. Silver Mt. Zion
Sound: Aitor Guidet
Actors: Panos Aroukatos, Rosa Garcia, Jorge Sanz, Daniel Louzao
Universitat Ramon Llull - Facultat de Comunicació Blanquerna
The Blanquerna Communication Department at the Universitat Ramon Llull was set up 15 years ago to offer humanist, scientific and technical training in keeping with the university’s two goals: teaching and research.