Forging Ties with Young People
For a number of years, l’Alternativa, Cinema en curs and Moving Cinema have been working in tandem to forge closer ties between the festival and young people. Thanks to Cinema en curs and Moving Cinema, we have been able to set up projects to encourage young people to discover and analyse a range of different styles of filmmaking and then write texts and give public presentations about the films they have watched.
Young Programmers
After watching a selection of films to be screened at this year’s festival, the group of Young Programmers picked The Human Hibernation, which they will present alongside director Anna Cornudella, and A nuestros amigos, alongside director Adrián Orr.
The group is made up of Hug Banqué, Clara Campos, Eva Chun Carbonell, Helena Catalán, Lúa Minghan, Gina Fontané, Martina Ize, Abril Moreno, Ashling Ocampo, Ainhoa Oliveira, Armand Perelló, Ginesta Puigarnau, Arnau Rodríguez, Cristian Santos, Martí Salvia, Lea Sanahuja, Martina Tulián, Pau Vega, Adriana Villayandre, Pepe Vohmann Barril and Adriana Yter.
This initiative forms part of the Europe-wide Moving Cinema project, led by A Bao A Qu.
Film Schools: Sultana’s Dream
In this activity aimed at students, following the screening of El sueño de la sultana, director Isabel Herguera will talk us through creative process behind the film and answer questions about the decisions she took along the way.
Young Spectators
In partnership with A Bao A Qu, within the framework of the Moving Cinema initiative and Cinema en curs, we shall be coaxing and cajoling secondary students and sixth-formers into attending some of the onsite screenings at this year's festival.