15 NOV - 5 DEC 2021

Le Poireau perpétuel



This film begins on 5 March. Every year, on this exact date, an ant comes in under the director's front door to herald the arrival of spring. This date also happens to be her mother’s birthday. This year, however, is different: Zoé is wondering whether or not to have a baby, just as her mother, who has cancer, is approaching the end of her life. A thought-provoking film diary in which the director reflects on her relationship with the world by drawing on a wealth of filmmaking resources and throwing in a healthy dash of humour.


Zoé Chantre (Tulle, Francia, 1981) is a filmmaker, set designer and visual artist. She graduated from the Strasbourg École supérieure des arts décoratifs and made her directorial debut at the Berlinale in 2012 with Tiens-moi droite, a scrapbook-like audiovisual diary about the abnormal curvature of her spine.