15 NOV - 5 DEC 2021

Manuel Muñoz Rivas Masterclass



Two-Way Transformations: Filming as an Urge, Editing as an Exercise in Active Listening

When shooting a film, we project whatever we choose to imagine onto a white canvas, daubing it with sounds and images from a universe of endless possibilities. When it comes to editing a film, however, we are more akin to sculptors working with a finite slab, chiselling out a work from these sounds and images.

This masterclass will compare and contrast these two facets of filmmaking by exploring the creative tension between the unconscious drive that fires up directors (and gets their projects off the ground) and the very conscious exercise of taking command of the footage, which requires editors to actively listen to the raw material as they endeavour to tease out the film hidden inside. Our own take on reality transforms it into images; and in turn, unexpected associations and dazzling or resonant connections between these images then have the power to transform us.

This seminar ties in with the parallel section Satellites: Manuel Muñoz Rivas, featuring films made or programmed by Manuel Muñoz Rivas.


  • Tuesday 16 November, 6 pm to 8 pm
  • Sala Raval, CCCB
  • Standard onsite rate: €12
  • Accredited professionals and members of AMMAC or AMAE (onsite): €10
  • Standard online rate: €10
  • Accredited professionals and members of AMMAC or AMAE (online): €8
  • No prior knowledge is required
  • The masterclass will be given in Spanish
  • You can sign up to do this activity onsite or online
Onsite option Online option
In collaboration with