In the shadow of Hawaii’s Mauna Kea volcano, a young girl and her mother lovingly breed a colony of bees. Meanwhile, as her activist father joins the protests against the construction of a giant telescope on the mountain’s sacred ground, a group of scientists study the landscape in preparation for our inevitable relocation to Mars. Ambitiously linking the earthbound and the cosmic, the intimate and the expansive, Swarm Season tracks these existentially fraught narratives with an acute attention to time, scale and historical consequence.
Sarah J. Christman studied film and media arts at Temple University, Philadelphia, and currently teaches at Brooklyn College, New York. Her films include Dear Bill Gates (2006), Minding the Hive (2008) and Broad Channel (2010), as well as As Above, So Below (2012) and 7285 (2015), both screened at l'Alternativa.
Art of the Real
Sheffield International Documentary Festival