12-18 November 2018

L'Alternativa Activities

Boris Lehman Seminar

L'Alternativa Activities - Boris Lehman Seminar

Films as Long Walks

Highly personal filmmakers each create their own unique universe shaped by their own particular vision of things around them. Last year we explored the world of Eric Pauwels, and this year we are doing the same with another director, fellow Belgian Boris Lehman, who follows a similar philosophy with very different results.

Lehman once said that, for him, the purpose of filming was to love and be loved. This seminar is an exceptional opportunity for him to share the tremendous experience he built up over many years of work and to talk about the relationships that develop between the person filming and the person being filmed. Lehman believes that the camera he puts between himself and the world protects those on both sides and can often help dispel inhibitions, the end result of which might equally be insults or declarations of love. A camera can reveal invisible, hidden, buried things, breathe life into dreams and make impossible things come true.

All my work comes from there … the use of the camera as a medium between me and others, between me and the world.… What really matters is the adventure in filmmaking, meeting people. In that case, all means are valid. And travel, plenty of travel.

— Boris Lehman —

Boris Lehman will give an eight-hour seminar at l'Alternativa to tie in with the parallel section Boris Lehman, which will include screenings of À la recherche du lieu de ma naissance (1990), Babel. Lettre à mes amis restés en Belgique (1991) and Funérailles (De l’art de mourir) (2016).

Parallel Section: Boris Lehman


  • Monday 12 November and Tuesday 13 November, 5–9 pm
  • Escola de Cinema de Barcelona (ECIB) - Girona 54, 08009 Barcelona
  • Price: €90
  • Reduced rate: €80 (university students and ECIB students and alumni)
  • The seminar will be given in French with interpretation into Spanish.
  • For further information and to sign up: info@ecib.es / (+34) 932 462 615

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