L'Alternativa Hall

Hall Didactics

Initiatives that work with audiovisual education and training as a tool for knowledge, reflection and criticism. We will present and screen two participatory video projects made in different contexts from different perspectives, but tackling the same thorny issue: borders. El Mirador carried out their project with young people at a children’s shelter in Barcelona and Left Hand Rotation did theirs with refuges from the Western Sahara in the Tindouf refugee camp in Algeria.

El mirador / EICA (Espai d’Inclusió i Formació del Casc Antic)

The future is ours is a video project carried out by El Mirador with unaccompanied Moroccan minors who reached Spain illegally and were under institutional protection in children’s shelters during the project. The collective creative process lasted four months and led to two self-referential video pieces in which the young people are both creators and the main characters.

In collaboration with:

Left Hand Rotation / Escuela de Formación Audiovisual Abidin Kaid Saleh

We started with the notion of a trailer as a means of promoting an audiovisual product in the media and set out to work with the population of the refugee camps to create a trailer for a film on the creation of the Sahrawi state.

We analyse westerns as political films that explore the relationship between the individual and the state as effective, calculated propaganda, a mythological vision of the birth of a nation that has replaced its own history.

Selected Film (45') 22/11, 17 h

Left Hand Rotation will be giving the seminar Intervene, Appropriate, Film and Manipulate on Thursday 20 from 11 am to 1 pm in the CCCB Auditorium.

In collaboration with:

* Other spaces for participatory video at l’Alternativa include the Let’s Make a Movie with Neus Ballús! family workshop and the Make-a-Movie / Habitación 1418 workshop for teenagers, whose results will be screened in l’Alternativa Hall.