18 - 24 November 2013
La Quinta del Chavolo, los habitantes de la cárcel de jóvenes (Albert, Ismael, Moktar, Yassine, Samir, Eduardo, Julián)

L'Alternativa Hall


La Quinta del Chavolo, los habitantes de la cárcel de jóvenes (The Chavolo Group, Residents at a Youth Detention Centre)
Albert, Ismael, Moktar, Yassine, Samir, Eduardo, Julián
Spain, 2013
Vídeo | 30 min | Colour | Spanish, Catalan

Production: RUIDO Photo

Hall Didactics


They might be very young, but they already know what it’s like to wake up every morning behind bars. This is the story of prison seen through the eyes of its inmates. The story of the Chavolo group.