20 - 25 November 2012

Parallel Sections


The Parallel Sections aim to raise awareness of international independent filmmaking from a modern-day and historical perspective.

We screen work by up-and-coming filmmakers alongside retrospectives, tributes, unknown films by acclaimed directors and work by unfamiliar names that offer fresh voices and representations of the world that motivate us and enrich our imagination.

Above all, these sections offer the public a wide-ranging vision of work that breaks conventions in pursuit of personal writing and creative freedom. Needed now more than ever, these films are a powerful weapon, a window onto other values and different attitudes far removed from the official line.

On our website you can find information on several Parallel Sections at l'Alternativa 2012: Jeanne Balibar. Muse of French cinéma d'auteur, Pedro Costa, Panorama, Contra el silencio todas las voces and Small Experiments.