Parallel Activities
A Rendezvous with Jeanne Balibar
This rendezvous follows on from the parallel section on this fascinating, highly original performer and creator. It offers her a space to share her vision of the art of filmmaking as a tool for expressing, communicating and representing the world and, above all, for her to talk about the creative process and her personal and professional evolution.
Jeanne Balibar is an acclaimed French actor who has revolutionised the art of performance and become a key figure in the world of cinéma d'auteur. This multifaceted film and theatre actor, singer and director has dedicated her entire career to art and deplores its increasing commercialisation, while also speaking up for social causes.
This activity ties in with the parallel section Jeanne Balibar. Muse of French cinéma d'auteur.
In collaboration with the French Institute in Barcelona and the Filmoteca de Catalunya.

Jeanne Balibar, film director, actress and singer
Octavi Martí, Deputy director of the Filmoteca de Catalunya
Date: Thursday 22 November
Time: 7.30 pm
Place: Auditorium at the French Institute in Barcelona
Free admission. Limited places