Parallel Sections
Jeanne Balibar
Va savoir (Who Knows?)
Jacques Rivette
France / Germany / Italy, 2001
35 mm | 150 min | Colour | French | VOSC, VOSI
Production: Martine Marignac
Screenplay: Jacques Rivette
Photography: William Lubtschansky
Editor: Nicole Lubtschansky
Sound: Florian Eidenbenz
Actors: Jeanne Balibar, Sergio Castellito, Bruno Todeschini, Marianne Basler, Jacques Bonnafé, Hélène de Fougerolles.
The theatre serves as a revelatory backdrop for all involved as passions rise during performances of Pirandello’s As You Desire Me. After finding love and success in Italy, young French actress Camille returns to Paris, the city she mysteriously fled three years ago. She secretly dreads confronting ex-boyfriend Pierre. Her new lover, theatre company director Ugo, also hides a secret.
Premio especial del jurado - Seminci Valladolid 2001