Asitha Ameresekere (United Kingdom)
Max Hattler (United Kingdom / Germany / Japan)
Adamha (Human Beings)
Mashaallah Mohammadi (Iran)
Signe Baumane (United States / Italy)
Clean Up
Sebastian Mez (Germany)
Con el viento (With the Wind)
Manolo Muñoz (Spain)
Corrente (Flow)
Rodrigo Areias (Portugal)
Destination Finale
Philip Widmann (Germany)
Dropping Furniture
Harald Hund, Paul Horn (Austria)
Drux Flux
Theodore Ushev (Canada)
El tránsito (Traffic)
Elías León Siminiani (Spain)
Elefantenhaut (Elephant Skin)
Ulrike Putzer, Severin Fiala (Austria)
Entrevista con la tierra (Interview with the Earth)
Nicolás Pereda (Mexico)
Four Questions for a Rabbi
Jay Rosenblatt / Stacey Ross (United States)
Germania Wurst
Volker Schlecht (Germany)
Jan Ijäs (Finland)
Hideg Berek (Cold Grove)
Mihály Schwechtje (Hungary)
I Know You
Gudrun Krebitz (Austria / Germany)
Daniel Elliott (United Kingdom)
John Wayne Hated Horses
Andrew T. Betzer (United States)
Kanizsa Hill
Evelyn Lee (United States)
La Chirola
Diego Mondaca (Bolivia / Cuba)
Le coq et l'hirondelle (The Cock and the Swallow)
Creación colectiva (France)
Le feu, le sang, les étoiles (The Fire, the Blood, the Stars)
Caroline Deruas (France)
Letűnt világ (Lost World)
Gyula Nemes (Hungary)
Man and Gravity
Jakrawal Nilthamrong (Thailand)
Matières à rêver (The Texture of Dreams)
Florence Miailhe (France)
Marian Crisan (Romania)
Myth Labs
Martha Colburn (Netherlands)
On Time Off
Bill Porter (United Kingdom)
Paciencia de la memoria (Patience of Memory)
Vuk Jevremovic (Germany / Spain)
París #1 (Paris #1)
Oliver Laxe (Spain)
Photograph of Jesus
Laurie Hill (United Kingdom)
Quiero ver (Quiero ver )
Adele Horne (United States)
Rosa Rosa
Félix Dufour-Laperrière (Canada / France)
Rucak (Lunch)
Ana Husman (Croatia)
Sam's Hot Dogs
David López Retamero (United Kingdom)
Volker Schreiner (Germany)
Sparni un airi (Wings and Oars)
Vladimir Leschiov (Latvia)
The Black Dog's Progress
Stephen Irwin (United Kingdom)
The Conservatory
Matilda Tristram (United Kingdom)
The Parable of the Tulip Painter and the Fly
Charlotte Pryce (United States)
Western Spaghetti
PES (United States)