Andres Veiel

"My camera is a kind of seismograph for detecting things that are normally invisible: the deep truth within a person. These are the times when I always say: "Yes, it's great making these kinds of films."

This quote by filmmaker Andres Veiel gives a good idea of how he makes films and how he sees his subject matter. Veiel is one of the most complex and interesting documentary-makers in Germany and has won worldwide acclaim. His work covers both artistic and political areas from a very personal viewpoint. Interviews in which the subjects are portrayed in an extraordinarily sincere fashion are combined with reportage with highly suggestive and fluid editing.

Andres Veiel's films are brilliant examples of filmmaking that moves deftly between the political and the personal, film and theatre, documentary research and dramatisation. Although most of his films are set in Germany, they touch on universal ideas.

In collaboration with the Goethe Institute in Barcelona.


Andres Veiel (Germany / Francia)

Black Box BRD (Black Box FRG)
Andres Veiel (Germany)

Der Kick (The Kick)
Andres Veiel (Germany)

Die Spielwütigen (Addicted to Acting)
Andres Veiel (Germany)

Die Überlebenden (The Survivers)
Andres Veiel (Germany)