Tony Gatlif

Secciones Paralelas
Tony Gatlif
France, 2003
35mm (35mm). 103min. Color. VOSE
Production: Princes Films
Photography: Céline Bozon
Editor: Monique Dartonne
Screenplay: Tony Gatlif
Music: Tony Gatlif, Delphine Mantoulet
Actors: Romain Duris, Lubna Azabal, Zouhir Gacem, Leila Makhlouf, Habib Cheik
Sinopsis: One day, Zano (Romain Duris) makes a mad suggestion to his partner Naïma (Lubna Azabal): a journey through France and Spain to Algeria to discover the land their parents had to leave behind. Premiere: 13 May 2005.

Nominat a la Palma d'Or al Festival de Cannes 2004.
Premi com a Millor Director al Festival de Cannes 2004.
Nominat als Premis César, França 2005.