Glauber Rocha

Secciones Paralelas
Terra em transe
Terra em transe (Earth Entranced)
Glauber Rocha
Brazil, 1967
35mm (35mm). 115min. VOSC
Production: Mapa Films, Difilm
Photography: Luiz Carlos Barreto
Editor: Eduardo Escorel
Screenplay: Glauber Rocha
Music: Sergio Ricardo, Carlos Monteiro de Souza con el cuarteto Edson Machado, Carlos Gomes, Villa Lobos, Verdi, Canto negro Aluê del candomblé de Bahia, Samba de favela
Actors: ardel Filho, Glauce Rocha, Paulo Autran, José Lewgoy
Sinopsis: This film offers a vision of Brazilian politics before the 1964 military coup, which led to dictatorship, told through a series of flashbacks by a writer spilt between poetry and politics. It is seen as a self-portrait as a self-portrait of the director. Even more experimental than his previous works, Terra em transe continues his vein of telling stories through allegory.