Synergies of history

Secciones Paralelas
Guatemala: la tierra arrasada
Guatemala: la tierra arrasada (Guatemala: the Ravaged Land)
José Gaya
Mexico, 2004
DVD (Vídeo). 51min. VOSE
Production: Colectivo Miradas
Sinopsis: In 1996 the Guatemala peace agreements were signed after 36 years of civil war and over 200,000 dead. This film gives a voice to those who witnessed the utter terror unleashed in the early 1980s and describes how people organised themselves to survive the army's strategy to eliminate all support for the rebels. The fact that land still remains in the hands of landowners is a source of worry. This documentary proves, once again, that truth is stranger than fiction..
Festivals: Premiada a la Mostra de Cinema i Cooperació.