
Si tu ignores le nom des choses
Si tu ignores le nom des choses (Si ignoras el nombre de las cosas)
Jean-Claude Taki
France, 2007
Betacam SP (PAL) (Video / Mobile Phone). 11min. Color. VOSC
Production: Jean-Claude Taki, [email protected], +33 6 13 60 88 10
Sinopsis: A young woman, both awaiting and remembering love, lists the parts of her body.

Jean-Claude Taki is a musician, filmmaker and author. He has worked on a number of films as sound operator and composed several soundtracks. His films include the feature Aurore/ Number 9, La martienne (both screened at l’Alternativa) and Le cahier froid, which won Best Short Film award at l'Alternativa last year. His book Lettres Kazakhes (Editions Intervalles) was published last year.